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It is currently Mon Feb 17, 2025 7:09 am

Some gave all. We will remember them.


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Brotherhood never was like it;
Friendship is not the word;
But deep in that body of marching men
The soul of a nation stirred.

-- A.B. "Banjo" Patterson,
    'Australia Today', 1916 is Australia's leading military discussion forum. Originally formed back in 2004 as as a forum for, by, and about the Australian Special Forces, the forum has since widened it's scope to include all members and branches of the ADF as well as our honoured guests and allies from overseas. Despite some sections being open to the public, the forum still enjoys the membership and advice of respected members of the Special Forces and Special Operations Forces both local and international, as well as those from elite specialities in the conventional forces. From recruit training right up to SF selection tips - if it's frank and honest advice you're after, you'll find it here.