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 Post subject: Port detachment unit 1942
PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:02 pm 

Joined: Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:38 pm
Posts: 5
Hi every one,
I'm after any information on this unit Port detachment unit . The time i'm looking at is between 10/10/1942 to 25/11/1942 in the middle east around port Tewfik . General Vivian Hayes was in command at this time. There are no unit files at the AWM or the NAA that are of any help. As I understand it this unit changed its name to movement and transport unit on its return to Australia from the middle east , but I haven't found any helpful information on that unit either.
I'm also after standing orders to do with El Alamein the second wave, I have seen it once in a unit diary but didnt think it important at the time ( I was wrong) now i really need it and
i have read through all the diaries and cant see it again, I have been to the state library and archives in Adelaide but they couldnt find it either and suggested I go here.
I really hope some one can help me
regards to you all

 Post subject: Re: Port detachment unit 1942
PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:53 pm 
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Hi Kerri.

Some more precise information please - what was the exact Army name of the formation you are researching? "unit Port detachment unit" is a bit loose. Army units have very definite names usually with numbers, e.g. 2/31st Battalion, 2/2 Field Ambulance.

EDIT: Do you mean the 8 Docks Operating Company?

And no-one named Vivian Hayes has ever held the rank of Brigadier, Major general or higher in the Australian Army. So what was the unit commander's exact nationality, rank and name?

Also, what do you mean by "El Alamein the second wave"? Do you mean the overall battle in October-November 1942, after Axis forces were stopped at Alam Halfa in September? Or are you referring to the second phase ("Supercharge") of the November battle?



 Post subject: Re: Port detachment unit 1942
PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 5:36 pm 
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Re: Vivian Hayes, not British Army either. Try South African Army, or Rhodesian, New Zealand.

 Post subject: Re: Port detachment unit 1942
PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 5:41 pm 

Joined: Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:38 pm
Posts: 5
Hi Guys,
I'm sorry it was Major Hayes it mentions him on page 42 in the 1-12-3 AIF middle east headquarters staff unit diary at the Australian war memorial in connection with the port detachment unit . I think it was the 2/1 9 battalion not to sure on that.
Standing orders from the middle east from the 10/10/1942 to the 30/11/1942 doesn't matter what wave it was just the dates. It needs to say along the lines that every one had to be fighting or doing their part.
All this is in aid of getting my grandfathers Africa star medal ,problem being that part of his service history is missing CARO and National Archives lost his file and that part is non existent. It is in front of Defence board now and has been for a while 12 months, its up to me to fill in the gaps.
So I have him over there on the ground in transit camp 157 in the middle east , but unless I can attach him to a unit or show he did something I cant get the medal. Defence are saying he did nothing for a month then came home.
So we know he was with the port detachment unit from his color patch and stories he told dad but that isnt enough .

 Post subject: Re: Port detachment unit 1942
PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:49 am 
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Not too sure where you reside, but, if you are close(ish) to Canberra a visit to the AWM, and specifically the archive & research department. It has all Australian Army official unit diaries. Dates, personnel etc. Have used it for family research myself, excellent source.

 Post subject: Re: Port detachment unit 1942
PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 2:50 pm 

Joined: Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:38 pm
Posts: 5
I have been talking to them but we seem to have come to a dead end. As i live in SA I haven't got to Canberra yet. I was hoping one of you guys might have some knowledge, but thats fine thank you all for your help and suggestions. If you come across any information that might be useful please get back in contact with me.
The Australian Imperial Force (Middle East) - Staff and Regimental List of Officers Number 6 - 23 January 1943 - Including AIF (M.E) List 116
If anyone finds the book before this one number 5 please let me know it might be of help to me.
thank you

 Post subject: Re: Port detachment unit 1942
PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:29 pm 
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Not promising Jack shît, however, if you give a PM either to the mod/s or myself as to contact details should a skerrick of info be found then will pass on via available means. However, does not negate your own sourcing...we are not some benevolent historical research society.

 Post subject: Re: Port detachment unit 1942
PostPosted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:04 am 
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Joined: Fri Jul 06, 2007 5:52 pm
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Hi Kerri.

Could you just clarify please - was Major Vivian Hayes your grandfather or the commander of your grandfather's unit? Either way, we need his service number. If Major H isn't your grandfather, then what we really need is your grandfather's name, rank and service number.

 Post subject: Re: Port detachment unit 1942
PostPosted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 6:19 pm 

Joined: Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:38 pm
Posts: 5
Hayes was Grandpa's Unit commander in the Ports detachment unit. My Grandfather was Alfred Robert Henry Henkel VX109329 I do have a copy of his service file from NAA what they could find from copies that were lost by them or CARO depending on who you are speaking to or the courier who was delivering them.
Alfred was a warrant officer but in some of his photos he has pips on his uniform. Also ships staff on the voyage over to the middle east .
Cheers, again thank you

 Post subject: re secret list 1942
PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 3:51 pm 

Joined: Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:38 pm
Posts: 5
Happy new year to you all , hope you all had a wonderful Christmas .
My next question is about a secret list . After my grandfather came back from the ME 1942 it was put in his pay ledger Middle east disembark Sydney secret list . Now I have spoken to a few people in Defence H,W NAA AWM and they have no idea one did mention that people coming home were a secret , then why would it be in his pay ledger and not in his service file ? Now I have found a book called Regimental List and Manning Tables of officers on the active list 1944 and it mentions a secret list . Has anyone heard of this list or know anyone i could contact to ask ?


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